Steve Locher and Loki IGP3 FH1
Most of my life as a child and an adult I've had pet German shepherds. When I settled in to Arkansas over 7 years ago I was fortunate enough to find Mike Yarnell and the Arkansas Schutzhund Club. With the help of many people I was able to title my first working German Shepherd to a IPO 3 and FH title. With their continued support I'm excited to soon start the journey with a new pup.

Kay Taylor and Brodie IGP3

Rick Delgado and Bravo IGP3

Dean Pritchard and Auron IGP3 FH2
I imported a male GSD pup from Czech as a protection dog for my wife. I had titled several Labs in retriever trials but never done any kind of bite work and knew I needed direction. I had no idea what "Schutzhund" was when I contacted The Arkansas Schutzhund club. I just wanted guidance. Eleven years and several titles later I have not only found guidance but friends and family who go far beyond training.

Monique Misfeldt and Ziva IGP3
Growing up I very involved in horses and showing up until the point I left for vet school. While in school I didn’t have access to horses and couldn’t bring mine with me so I began to fill that void with dogs. I adopted a stray puppy and was determined to make it the most well trained dog I ever owned and that she was. After a few years of training that dog I discovered the world of bite sports and was intrigued by the working breeds. I then got my first bite sport prospect Ziva, a dutch shepherd. Since then I’ve added a belgian malinois, Zilla, and a german shepherd, Mayhem, to the pack.
Blake Batson and Draco
I began competing in Schutzhund in 1989. I started with a German Shepherd puppy (Kapone) and we ultimately earned a ScH III title. Our highlight was winning High in Trial in Colorado at the 1993 Rocky Mountain Regionals. I have been an avid fan of IGP for more than 30 years including attending a WUSV and National competition events as a spectator. After being out of the sport for 25 years I’m back with a new pup (Draco vom Haus Ukres) and we are learning how much has changed.

Jan Putnam and Ytos
I have a male that was imported from Czech that I purchased in March 2023. I travel across the USA showing horses and was looking for a personal protection dog that could travel with me. I joined the Arkansas Schutzhund Club and have been working towards new goals with Ytos. With the help and guidance of club members and friends I have already been able to achieve my BH and am working towards mi IGP titles. I love the relationship I am building with my dog and am lucky to have him as my partner.